Please use the P.J.Proby Delphi-forum to read/write messages
Use this page as an "archive" !

From: Leanne Thomas 
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 7:57 AM
Subject: Beatles Around The World (DVD)

Hello UP,
                I noticed on the Delphi Forum your sample pictures of P.J. Proby on the "Beatles Around The World (DVD)
 available in Australia. I telephoned my local music shop and as it happens, they had 2 of them in stock so 
I quickly went to town and bought them both. 
I have watched the P.J. Proby songs and was totally spellbound by them. 
Previously I had only ever seen a small sample of  "I Believe" and it was fuzzy and the sound was poor, 
but on this DVD the sound is  allot better and so is the picture, even though it is old. 
I never expected to have top picture quality because of  it's age, or top sound quality  because of the girls in 
the audience screaming, but that doesn't matter. 
The fact is that I have finally got to see him in his early years singing on stage and  I Love It. 
I just wish that I could have been a part of it in those days. P.J. HAD & STILL HAS THAT AMAZINGLY WONDERFUL VOICE. 
Thanks for letting us know about this DVD.
                     Kind Regards,
                                           Leanne Thomas.


From: Paul&Carol Dwane 
Sent: Saturday, November 29, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: P.J.Proby - Tour

Hello Friends

We went to Kings Lynn on 27 November to see P J and others in the 60s tour.

Jim's performance was superb. If anything his voice is even better than when we last saw him on the 2001 tour. 
Then we managed to get to four of the shows but this year we were able to see only the one. 
Clearly, Jim has a lot of singing left in him and we hope he will use his great talent and do some more shows for his fans very soon.

It would be nice if he would do some new songs. Obviously he has to keep doing the songs from West Side Story and American Trilogy, 
but some of the others are getting a little jaded.

The other acts on the show were good, particularly the Troggs - all together a very enjoyable evening.

We wish all Probyans a very Happy Christmas and a P J personal appearance filled 2004.

Best wishes.

Carol and Paul Dwane


From: Leanne Thomas 
Sent: Sunday, July 13, 2003 9:22 AM
Subject: P.J.Proby

       My name is Lee Thomas. I am an avid fan of P.J. Proby. I live in Australia and I have never had the 
opportunity to see P.J. Proby in concert. 
Being born in 1962 I was too young to know about him until the late 70s. 
My wife and I have recently purchased 4 concerts on DVD that he did in 2001. 
The first being "Gota Kellare", Stockholm, Sweden, also  "Anthem", Stockholm, Sweden, Gloustcester & Berlin, 
September 16th. 
I'm so impressed with being able to see P.J. Proby in concert for the first time in my life as I have only 
ever heard his recordings and seen still pictures of him until now. 
I just can't get enough. It's hard to find anything of his in Australia and when you do you grab it. 
I would like to know is there any footage of P.J. Proby in his heyday available on VHS Video or DVD?. 
I would love to see P.J. Proby in concert some day. 
Do you know if he plans to tour Australia in the near future? I'd love to know anything about him and his 
latest CDs etc. I wish P.J. all the success in the future. 
KEEP SINGING PJ.   Cheers from Lee Thomas. Ipswich, Queensland, Australia.

Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 6:04 AM
Subject: Re: P.J.Proby

hey, i guess if people don't want to support jim, then, i cannot persuade them to do so. if, however,
they are willing to be more openedminded.....i might have a few ideas about how to get him into the hall's going to take, a HELL of a lot of email, and/or phonecalls/and/or landmail
........something like: you are my shineing example, but,BUT, 
if you are as intelegent as i have given you credit for
,,,,,,,then you will most certainly understand, that HE is worthy, 
HE has had a significant impact on the music world as we see it today, and, he is a very, 
VERY influential force, in todays rock & roll
......this man has been a minor influence in north america, because, he was not promoted properly
....hell, that was not his fault.......he never had a "col. parker", on his side,as elvis did,,,,,,,
but he has been a TREMENDOUS influense on world wide music......have you excluded, the beatles, 
who dissapeared in the late 60's, or hermans hermits, who dissapearted in about 6 months, or the monkeys, 
who were as made-up as fabian.....i thought "the hall of fame" was a world wide museum...
not just the pampered, published, promoted american i wrong?????? 
hill hudson 

*** Message from U.P ***
If you like to help us to get Jim in the Hall of Fame then write to Howard Kramer,Director of Curatorial
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum, here his email address:
below his answer to me:

From: Howard Kramer 
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 8:10 PM
Subject: RE: PJ Proby

Dear Joep,
The primary reason that you don't see anything from P.J Proby on our website, or in the Museum, is because he is virtually unknown in this country.  Many of us here are well aware of his career but his impact in the US is small. Sorry to disappoint you. Hopefully there are other artists among the over-200 inductees that you find worthwhile. 
Howard Kramer
Director of Curatorial
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum

*** end of U.P's message ***

Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 1:23 AM
Subject: Re: Reply to Joep Kilkens ( U P )

My name is Kath and I have been a fan of PJs since the middle 60s.
I have only been back in the UK these past ten years. 
I lived for 17yrs in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe.
When I left I had all my music tapes and videos conficated at the airport along with every tape I owned of PJ.
I am not very computer literate and one day I was just browsing and found your website.
I am really looking forward to getting my copy of I am PJ Proby it was one of my favourite tapes.
I hope one day to be able to replace them all.
In the late 60s I went to see PJ twice and the  Empire Theatre Liverpool and once at a club called The Wookie Hollow 
also in Liverpool and I am very proud to say on those three occassions I held PJs hand whilst he sung Somewhere,
those memories are still very clear in my mind and in the future if I am able to replace my tapes I am sure there are 
more happy memories to come. 
Long live PJxxxxxx   

****** Message from U.P ****************************************************
If you have a "spare" CD/LP then please help Kath to get her "memories" back
From: "John Eland" 
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 6:37 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Giants Of Rock ' N ' Roll

I am SO glad I am on your MAILING list...I am a HUGE PJ PLEASE 
keep me informed...I just wish he would come to Palm Springs in CA...they 
are doing an ANNUAL 50/60's festival...Ist one this year...if it takes 
off...matbe we can get PJ to come to the next one..
ANY ONE have the lyrics for Nikki Hoekey???????
John Eland..AKA TB

From: David Blackledge
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2002 6:18 PM
Subject: Pj Proby

I knew Jim from the mid 70;s and again in the 90;s and even though he had many
problems he could still hack it.I have a fond memory of taking him from
Radcliffe in my Rolls Royce where he performed live for a friend of mine,
for a four pack of beer, in a 2 up 2 down terraced house in Burnley,
much to the amazement of my friend who did not really believe I knew him.
this friend died several weeks ago at 52 and it was his request that
"Somewhere" by Proby was played at his funeral, it was.

Totally fond memories of a bloody good singer

     David Blackledge


From: Frank Cassidy
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 1:52 PM
Subject: PJ Proby

Found your great site on PJ Proby. Have been a fan since the 60s and have a stack of LPs, singles and a couple of CDs but ts so god to hear threare are more to get.
Will write with more info later.
Keep it up!!
Frank Cassidy
**** And his next letter **** (U.P)

Discovering that the impetuous Proby is still pumping out recordings and appearing on stage half a century after he should have drunk himself into rock'n'roll heaven is like a blast into the past for me.
I first adopted the temperamental Texan in about 1964 or 1965 when he'd had just a few hits in Australia including Hold me, Rockin' Pneumonia,  Mission Bell  and Somewhere.
My schoolfriends and I each had a favourite performer but most of the others had picked groups - Beatles and Animals - although  Richard Young was a Roy Orbison fan.
I was mid-teens at the time and remember saving up to see PJ live at the Melbourne Festival Hall in 1966 or 1967, it couldn't have been any later the first time.
He was backed at the concert by, if memory serves me rightly, the Easybeats just back from England, Billy Thorpe and the Aztecs, a Sydney band and I think a couple of Melbourne groups who were popular at the time.
I vaguely recall taping the concert off the radio at the time but would have to spool through hours of  tape to find it. You've motivated me to do that soon and report back!
PJ was already famous for splitting his pants and it was the height of disappointment for me to notice when he came on stage his blue velvet suit was pre-split across one knee so that when the climax came and the feeble stitching gave way the infamous deed would be done.
Notwithstanding the artificiality of it all, everybody, including me, went ballistic when the pants finally ripped.
I think he only had 2 albums out at the time - Somewhere and PJ Proby - and I had them both. I also had the Decca singles Hold Me and Together although Together flopped out here.
The songs on Somewhere were: Somewhere; Just Call and I'll Be There; Que Sera Sera; Stagger lee; Linda Lu; Together; Rockin' Pneumonia; The Glory of Love; The Masquerade is Over; Zing Went the Strings of My Heart; Question; and Hold Me.
The songs on J Proby were: My Prayer; I Will; Mission Bell; The Nearness of You; Lonely Weekends; If I Loved You; When I Fall in Love; She Cried; Sectet Love; I Will Come to You (Toi);Lonely Teardrops and With These Hands.
Flip sides on thre Decca singles were Tips of My fingers and Sweet and Tender Romance respectively.
I can honestly say the flip side of Hold me, The Tips of My Fingers is the only record I have worn out by playing repeatedly on an automatic changer record player for hours and hours and still not getting sick of it. I eventually ordered a replacement copy and now I'm glad it's on albums and CDs. I still love it!
PJ's version of Que Sera Sera was pinched almost exactly by Australia's leading teenage heart throb at the time, Normie Rowe and I never forgave him for that.
I recall an interview with PJ before his first Australian concert when he said he had trouble remembering the words to Mission Bell because it was only ever a hit in Australia. The flip said of the single was Stagger Lee which went nowhere here, but he's fondly remembered for Mission Bell, originally a hit by Donnie Brooks.
By the time I saw him a second time in about 1969, I'd collected more vinyl and more of the songs were familiar. It was strange he was backed by a string of New Zealand groups and singers when he came to Melbourne. Bands and singers like Ray Columbus and the Invaders, Alison Durban and Dinah Lee. Probably meaningless names to anyone north of Sydney but big timers in 
 Australia at the time.
Being young and impecunious at that time I only bought albums, EPs or singles I didn't already have so some of PJ's records with duplicates on them went through to the keeper. After a few years I got married, had even less money and lost interest in men with ponytails and split jeans, until, that is, I stumbled across your website a few days ago.
I ended up with 7 albums, 11 singles, 2 CDs and lots of lingering memories. Now that I know there's more I wil add to them.
One of the singles I bought way back has You Got Me Cryin' on one side and I Need Love on the other, both on the Jett Powers album on your website but released out here on W&G label  as by PJ Proby. Interestingly the co-writer of You Got Me Cryin' is one Suggie Smith, I  wonder if that's any relation?
Enough of this drivel. Catchyalater.
Frank Cassidy


From: Willy
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 12:49 PM
Subject: kerstwens

Hallo PJ fans,

Ik wens jullie allemaal prettige Kerstdagen en een Gelukkig en vooral Gezond 2002!!

Ik hoop natuurlijk dat volgend jaar mijn wens uitkomt en dat ik een keer
mijn grote idool nog een keer live mag horen zien en zingen.

Willy ter Borg

From: Daria
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 9:07 PM
Subject: Proby

 It is with great interest and envy that I read your comments on the
 latest Proby concerts. I have been a fan since 1964 when I first heard
 that golden voice. Unfortunately, our media did not pay much attention
 to was the British performers that monopolized the airways, and
 it was no surprise that there was virtually no mention of him from 1968
 onwards. Not only was it a treat to come upon this website in 1997 and
 fill in some of those missing years, but also it was great to see that
 PJ is alive and well, still performing, and that he has a legion of
 fans. I fail to understand why he has never received the recognition he
 truly deserves....while so many feeble 'performers' become megastars!
 From 'The Tips of my Fingers', to 'Angelica' to 'Suburban Opera', no one
 can match this enormous talent. I have only seen him perform a couple of
 songs on TV in 1964, but the are etched in my memory! Thanks to the info
 provided on your website, I have managed to update my collection with
 CD's.....the LPS were getting rather worn after 37 years.
 Keep up the great work.
 Winnipeg, Canada
 Thank You , Mr. James Marcus Smith for enriching our lives!
 God Bless!
From: Willy ter Borg 
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:45 AM Subject: P.J. Proby 
Hallo fans van P.J, 
Al jaren, zeg maar vanaf het begin, ben ik een grote fan van P.J.Proby. (Ik ben nu 50 jaar) Zelf geloof ik dat ik al zijn LPs heb. 
Nu ik net een computer heb, ontdek ik dat er heel wat informatie over hem te zien is, plus nog heel wat fans. 
Dat vind ik heel leuk. 
Is er iemand die weet of hij nog ooit eens naar Nederland komt? 
Elke informatie is welkom. 
Veel groetjes Willy ter Borg. 
From: Tim & Jenny 
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:05 AM Subject: the beat goes on tour 
hello there, 
we just wanted to say how much we enjoyed the show 
we were at the guildhall portsmouth on sunday,close to where we live. 
jim came to see us for a change! 
p.j was really great,jenny and i thought his voice was the best ever. 
jenny held his hand and he reconised her and said so! 
best wishes from tim and jenny hilborne. 
ps we hope he will do another tour. 

From: Elaine Buchan
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 11:27 PM 
Subject: New Brighton and Southport Review 
From Elaine Buchan
Being a P J Proby fan, I was more than pleased to have recently seen two of his concerts. 
The first being at the Floral Pavillion, New Brighton, Merseyside, when he held the stage for the whole second half of the show.
The second was on 11th November at the Southport Theatre when, as the Searchers headlined the tour, 
he was limited to a forty-minute slot - after Billie Davies’s lively opening and before the interval.
On both occasions he made his usual grand entrance by trotting on stage whilst in full song. 
However, many would have noticed a change in his physical appearance. 
The familiar black bob had been replaced by a lighter, more conservative style, and he sported a trendy beard. 
The baggy overshirts were replaced by a smart suit, and he has added a few inches round the middle, 
which is allowed as he is sixty three years young. However, he still exhibits the charm, 
charisma and the voice that he thrilled his audience with nearly forty years ago, and today they warm to him immediately.
During the Floral concert, he made several comments regarding ‘the split trousers’ and his relationship with ‘Jack Daniels’. 
It appeared to be his way of acknowledging his mistakes, his lost years and letting people know he’s a survivor. 
At Southport, having asked the audience, who had seen him in the ‘Elvis ‘production in London, and receiving only one reply, 
he swiftly commented “Y’all don’t have to travel, all the talent’s here”. The audience was hooked and I felt that if, thereafter, 
he had recited nursery rhymes, they would have latched onto every word.
With the help of his familiar props, the stool, towel and water, he put all the effort and feeling into his songs, 
as if it was the first time he had sung them. ‘Hold Me’ well pleased his fans and probably reminded those who were there for 
the Searchers, who this man was. It was possible to hear a pin drop when he sang.
‘Hurt’, a favourite of mine, and as always, every word carried so much emotion. 
The last four songs, including ‘Maria’ and ‘Somewhere’ carried standing ovations. 
These two songs have been sung by many artists, but none can beat the timing and sensitivity given by Proby.
To see and hear an accomplished singer in a small theatre these days is a rare opportunity and the audience 
expressed their sheer delight.
It is often commented, in relation to Proby, “What can I say about this man who hasn’t already said it about himself?”, 
but we need to add, “and every word rings true!

From: Maggiewillow
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 3:04 PM 
Subject: The Beat Goes On 
On Sunday night I went to Symphony Hall, Birmingham. I last saw PJ Proby when I was 16 years old 
at De Montfort Hall, Leicester - the emotion he created was so strong I had to be restrained from jumping 
over the balcony to get to him. 
37 years later, the magic remains the same and the old feeling was still there, 
although at the age of 53 I was rather more restrained! 
Why are we not seeing more of PJ? His voice and his talent are as powerful as ever. 
Just hope he knows how great he still is. 
From: pauldwane
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 8:40 PM 
Subject: Jim's Tour 
Dear Friends 
We have managed to see four of the shows in the tour, Northampton, Norwich, Cambridge 
and best of all, Ipswich. 
Jim's performances were magnificent - his voice is still superb. 
The backing band and singers were also really good and helped Jim to perform to such a high standard. 
It's always a pleasure to hear a well played keyboard and the guitarists certainly seemed to enjoy themselves. 
Meeting other fans was great and we look forward to meeting more in the future. 
Let's hope to see more of Jim in the near future and perhaps a new release. 
It's a pity his version of American Trilogy has never been released as a single - with the recent terrible events in New York it would have been a source of inspiration to many. 
We very much enjoyed the interview with Jim on the Ed Stewart show. Jim was amusing and it was great to hear Somewhere on the radio again. 
Best wishes to all Probeyans. 
Carol and Paul Dwane

From: Glyn Delahay 
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2001 6:47 PM 
Went to see PJ at the Pavilion theatre Sat. 17th novembef and he was fantastic . 
His voice is just as strong whem I seen him the last time he came to Bournemouth in 1966..
Fantastic night 
Glyn Delahay

From: "Ron Ellis" > 
Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2001 8:56 PM 
Mention should be made of the excellent Frank Johns Band who are currently 
backing P J Proby on his current tour. They are one of the tightest outfits 
 around and understand Jim's musicianship better than any backing band he has 
 had in decades. If you get to see them in the next two weeks, don't forget 
 to give Frank, Oggi and the boys a big hand.

Sent: Monday, November 05, 2001 8:01 PM 
Subject: jims birthday! 

jenny and tim hilborne,send their best wishes to P.J.for his birthday tomorrow. 
we are looking forward to seeing him again at portsmouth on the 25 of this month 
best wishes 
tim and jenny 
From: "Mr Colin Cleave"
Sent: 29 August, 2001 2:20 AM 
Subject: Re: Proby in New Zealand juring the sixties 

 Dear P.J. Fans,
 At the Auckland Town Hall, New Zealand, early
 sixties. I was so lucky to get a ticket as they all
 went so fast. The capacity audience was hanging from
 the balconies. It was a beautiful old town hall. It
 had seating on three levels.
 My introduction to P.J. had been seeing him on T.V.
 singing 'I Believe'
 I new then that I'd be hearing him again.
 "SOMEWHERE' was the smash hit of the moment for his
 first tour. I just loved that single and 'just like
 him' the flip side.
 It must be the most played record that I own.
 I will never forget the richness of his voice filling
 the Town Hall. It was the first time New Zealand had
 experienced a bit of theater in a pop act with P,J, s
 voice coming over the P,A,from backstage and the hall
 blacked out the richness of his voice transfixed the
 packed hall, I swear I still have the gooesbums that
 that experience gave me.
 I am now 50 years old, so I have seen many artists and
 concerts. Have been involved in the Record Industry
 for the past 20 years.
 P.J. is for me the best 
 He's not a God or a king but simply has one of the
 greatest vocal talents in the world.
 Colin Cleave
 New Zealand
 P.S. I would love to hear from fans who could tell me
 about his concerts during the sixties.


From: peter stevens
Sent: 06 August, 2001 1:55 PM 
Subject: Who Else!

Greetings Joep 
Sorry I have not got back to you earlier but I don't do very much on my PC, I don't have a lot of patience with it, 
the only thing I use it for is to find info on PJ and to read about my local football team, and to be honest I don't do either very often. 
You ask about me and my son, well I am 54 and a retired Policeman, and my son David is 11 and about to go to the high school,
 I and my wife Barbara have been PJ fans since April 1964, following that appearance on The Beatles TV show, 
but we didn't see him live until 1966, and over the years we have seen him on a number of occasions, 
when we have found out that he was in our area, we have followed him through the highs and lows of his career, 
but always always always you could not take away the simple truth that the man could and still can sing. 
David has had no choice he has been brought up on PJ and his music, has I type now, 
he is down stairs repeatedly playing " I'm Coming Back " his favourite track on The Legend CD, 
it was his only disappointment at last Fridays concert, that he did not sing it for him, but more about that to follow. 
On a couple of occasions over the years, my wife and I have been fortunate enough to have met him and spoken with him, 
which gave us great pleasure, and about 10 years ago(?) (before he gave up the demon drink) he appeared at a hotel in Blackpool 
and you know when he sings " Somewhere " and he reaches the part when he sings " hold my hand and I'll take you there 
"he normally reaches out and takes someone's hand well that night it was mine, 
I was still a policeman then and if my colleges had found out that I was holding hands in public with another man while he sang to me, 
my life would not have been worth living, but I didn't care, that was my moment and will always stay with me. 
Anyway to the concert last Friday, it was organised by Radio Merseyside, and held at The Floral Pavilion Theatre New Brighton, 
which for those who don't know is just the opposite side of the river Mersey from Liverpool, he was supported in the show by a 
local 60's group " The Kirbys " my son was very excited and although the group were good he could not wait for them to finish, 
so at last he could finally set eyes on PJ for his 1st time. The moment finally arrived and the backing " The Company He Keeps " 
(what a great name that is) started the intro, the theatre which holds about 900 people was very well attended 
(they announce next day on the radio that there was 650 - 700 in the audience) the audience gave him a great reception, 
which he obviously warmed to, he sung many of the old rock songs, which I have never heard him sing live before, 
he performed " Nickey Hockey " very well (perhaps a case for a release, the song is probably more relevant today than ever) 
he held the audience in his hand, many of the ladies were in the isles dancing, then a group of them went and stood at the front, 
then they started to climb over the orchestra pit just to reach out to him, and he responded warmly to them by kneeling down 
and kissing them, and then trying to prize them off him, not bad for a man into his 60's!!!! It was about now that he announced 
that he was about to go out on tour again for the 1st. time since 1966, he said he would be on tour in October for two months with 
The Searchers and Billy J Krammer, and he was complaining that he was only being given a 40 min slot, as he said "Not enough 
time to connect with his people", I have no other info other than that, but if anyone gets hold of a list of dates, PLEASE let me know, 
I know over the years I have missed him many times, because I didn't know he was appearing, is there someway of keeping 
up to date with his shows, (as I say I don't use the Internet much at all) 
Anyway back to the show,he then sang "American Trilogy", (I wish I could find another recording of him singing it other than the 
one on "The Hero's" CD, which sadly he was not at his best for), but he WAS on Friday and he walked off the stage to a 
standing ovation, he came back on for his 1st encore singing " I Apologise" which brought the house down, by the time he left 
the stage again there wasn't a person in the theatre sitting down, and the shouts of more was deafening (I do not exaggerate), 
he came back one more time, and sat on the stool dripping wet with sweat, (it was HOT in there) he said he was going to take us 
down memory lane, back to West side Storey, he had already sung "Somewhere" so we knew what was coming and everyone sat 
down and fell quiet, and he sang "Maria" and we all waited to see if he'd go for IT at the end, he did, and he hit the note perfectly, 
and the place erupted, and he stood there soaking up the adulation which he so richly deserved, and then he was gone. 
As we were leaving the theatre, my son said two things to me, 
"Dad my hands are sore, doing so much clapping" and "When can we see him again"? need I say any more? The futures bright. 

From: Paul & Carol Dwane 
Sent: 15 February, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: Gloucester Concert

What an absolutely fabulous evening in Gloucester.
P.J. was excellent as always and it was good to see so many 
fans there.

Let's hope that there will be another concert in the not to 
distant future.

The trouble with seeing such a good show as we saw in 
Gloucester on 14 February is that we can't wait for the 
next one!

We were in Row B, seat numbers 14 and 15.
It was only looking at your homepage on Friday that we 
realised we had seen you at the concert - what a pity we 
didn't say hello.

Let us hope that it will not be too long before Jim gives 
another show - maybe we can meet up then.

Although he has a bit of trouble reaching some of the higher 
notes Jim's voice is still superb and far better than 
some of the much younger singers around these days.

Regards to Jim and his fans
Carol and Paul Dwane
Newmarket, Suffolk
From: Lee Redgewell  
Sent: 17 February, 2001 4:19 PM 
Subject: Re: Evesham 
Hi! Sorry, I didn't see you........ :o( 
So, you want a report huh? Well....... 
I'll report more in the next few days, but first comments.........ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!! 
I just couldn't believe it!! He is superb! There is a 60's music newsgroup I belong to on the net, and we have decided to start a PJ COMEBACK campaign!! They are deadly serious too.......after the concert review I sent them, they are desperate to see him in concert. 
I think we should enrol him in a gym first though......Get rid of that stomach!! ;o) 
But really, I was standing up during everyone one of those standing ovations!!! 
Speak to you soon, and I'll email a scanned copy of the Gloucestershire Echo PREVIEW........ 
Lee :o)
From: Ed 
Sent: 22 February, 2000 12:55 PM
Subject: PJ Proby
Hello! We travelled from Cheshire to see PJ in concert in Glocester 
and we where not disappointed.
His performance was excellent as usual, and it was great to 
see him back on stage where he belongs performing
to an apreciative audiance.

From Ed
From: Christine Smith  
Sent: 28 February, 2001 11:37 PM 
Subject: P.J. Concert Gloucester 
What a great night it was! 
I was seated in row J 13 & 14, and I was amazed at the electric atmosphere around me while waiting for P.J. to appear. Disappointed I was not! This was the man with 'the voice' which is unmistakably P.J. Proby. 
I especially enjoyed his rendition of 'Somewhere'. I have heard him sing this many times before, never singing it the same twice,and never with so much passion and power as at Gloucester. It was also good to see him so relaxed and bantering with the fans. He was where he belongs, on stage surrounded by loyal and appreciative fans. 
I met many fans whilst at the show and had a wonderful time discussing P.J.'s previous shows and music with people who are as 'mad' about the man and his music as I am. As for Lee (the young Cliff Richard fan) I was just a couple of rows behind him and well, what he said is true! He was dancing in his seat!! It was great to see someone so young thoroughly enjoying themselves, it took me back 30+ years to when I was his age, but then you couldn't hear Jim's music for the screams! 
I had a fantastic time and it's all thanks to you and your website! Your hard work is appreciated and lets hope it's not too long before you are announcing his next venue. 
Canvey Island, Essex 
From: >
Sent: 08 March, 2001 10:41 AM 
Subject: the olympus 
hello,,jenny and i would like to say how much we enjoyed the show.
we were in row a,seats 5&6
p.j was in good form,we enjoyed somewhere and i apologise especialy.
it was also very nice to meet you there.
regards tim and jenny hilborne


From: Michael Englund
Sent: 21 February, 2001 1:42 AM
Subject: Proby

Thank for your fantastic homepage! Me I am a recordshopowner in
Stockholm, Sweden, with a peculiar habit of playing P.J.-records everyday
in the shop! I have a tendency of playing his ballads in the quiet moments
of the day and the rockers when I'm more busy. And, could you guess, the
reaction is almost always overwhelming! "Who the hell is singing this?""How
much do you want for this record, I don't know who the singer is, I just got
to have it."etc.etc. When people learn that it's a completley forgotten singer
and that it's nigh on impossible to achive his records nowadays, they hardly
believe it. I take a small pride of the fact that in my part of Stockholm
P.J. nowadays has gone from an almost forgotten has-been to the status that
he truly deserves: a superstar! Of course he is not everyones bag, but even
the people who resents him at least know who he is and are familiar to his
work. All because I constantly play his records in the shop!!! Honestly, no
other artist or group draw a similar attention, so why is he so helplessly
unknown in the big world??? Me I dont understand but I will continue my
mission as long as   t here will be a record of him near to me.Believe me!!!

Sent: 08 January, 2001 9:28 AM
Subject: (no subject)

It is nice to meet you! I live in America. I have enjoyed P. J. Proby from
the first time I heard his recording "Nikki Hokey." I have looked for him and
his work now for several years.

 I was fortunate to come across an individual from England who sent me an
 article about Proby in 1997. I was delighted to hear that he is alive and
 well.. The Lord Bless him!

 I would like to acquire a comprehensive CD of his music including "Nikki
 Hokey." Would you know where I could acquire such? His life story is
 interesting. I hope he finds peace.... I hope he can find a good manager and
 writer for his two projects.

 Is he aware that he can hire a ghostwriter? He is most certainly aware I am
 sure, that he can release and record his own music on an independent label. I
 would be willing to look into the possiblity of distributing his music here
 in America.

 Please let me know. Can you provide information on the Liberty label? Who
 owns the label? Who owns Proby's compositions? Who wrote "Nikki Hokey"?

 Thank you for your lovely web pages about one of my favorite vocalists. Thank
 you for your time and attention. Did he ever record "I Don't Want To Hear It
 Anymore"?  The composition by Randy Newman?

 To P. J. Proby: The Lord Bless You! I wish for you all the best,


 Kafi Cosette' Sondai

From: pauldwane
Sent: 01 January, 2001 1:18 PM
Subject: New Year

We send New Year greetings to Jim and all his fans.
Let us hope for a few concerts this year.
Keep up the good work on the Web Site.
Regards from
Carol and Paul Dwane

From: "Mel Westwood" 
Sent: 07 December, 2000 11:12 AM
Subject: PJ Fans

Hi to all my PJ Fans, May I be the first to wish everyone a happy christmas
and New Year  to Jim and all his loyal fans. Keep safe happy and healthy
with your families. Mel Westwood in LUTON - 


----- Original Message -----
Sent: 08 September, 2000 4:59 AM
Subject: (no subject)

I am so very happy to see a PJ page. Last year I finally found some PJ music
on the net and I buy anything of his I can find.  I have spent the most of my
life searching for PJ stuff and I can't thank you enough for this web site.
Keep up the good work.

PJ Proby is the greatest singer of all time, he is truly the KING in my


----- Original Message -----
From: James
Sent: 10 August, 2000 5:44 PM
Subject: Dick Glasser

Hello my friends, This is very sad news , the passing
of Dick Glasser. He will be missed greatly. He has
brought much enjoyment to me over the years as I know
he has you and the thousands of fans he has worldwide.
Thank you for informing me and I will let everyone
know on his website of the sad news. Keep in touch my
friends but I hope the next time it is under better
All the best,James


Sent: 29 December, 1999 3:47 PM
Subject: Millenium Greetings to all P J Fans

We send best wishes to all P J fans everywhere.
We have heard no recent news of Jim having last seen him in concert in Rhyl
in March  99 - a truly memorable evening.
We hope that there will be another opportunity to see Jim again soon.

Carol and Paul Dwane.

Sent: 29 December, 1999 1:16 PM
Subject: Fireworks


Had to write & let you know what a great job you do with the web site.I
thought my computer had blown a gasket & it was some time before I realised
it was the sound of the new year fireworks.Just brilliant. Only the day
before I was looking at the Xmas snow falling in the same spot. You are a
very clever man. I hope P.J. appreciates the work you do.I certainly do.Good
to see all the names listed & also your photo & details.Thanks for the
advice about ordering CD's over the internet.I have ordered Heroes and Three
Week Hero & look forward to receiving them.
The Song of The Month doesn't feature enough of P.J. (too much Mark Almond)
Once again best wishes for 2000 and beyond.

 Tony Priest


From: colin scott


In the late 50's early 60's I was a big Elvis fan.
Then I saw the Beatles/Jack Good show this was I first saw P.J.,
I was flabbergasted. He instantly took everthing away from Elvis {for me}.
From then on I was an instant fan, I couldn't get enough of him, magazines,
music papers, all his record releases {which I still have today},
It was only a couple of months later when I first saw him on stage at Northwich,
Cheshire{my home town then}, On came the blue buckle shoes with music,
then P.J. started singing back stage, the crowd were going frantic,
finally he was there absolutely MAGIC.
Next I saw him at the Empire Theater, Liverpool a repeat of pure vocal genious,
then again in Widnes. Suddenly the problems came with his split trousers
{funny Bros became famous for the same thing!}.
I carried on buying his music but his appearances were becoming less.
I was working as a chef with Rank's on the M.6. Motorway at Knutsford,
when who came in for a meal? YES, P.J.Proby!!!
I couldn't believe it! I naturally grovelled and asked him for his autograph,
which he obliged, I mentioned about his problems, he laughed and said
"Rank's haven't banned from this place yet".
A good while later I saw him for the last time, then, at the Warren Club,
Stockport, Manchester {the first time I heard Him sing "American Trilogy"}.
If you know of any contacts for future appearances, fan clubs ect.,
please PLEASE let me know.
             colin (Wales}.


----- Original Message -----
From: Gary Henriksson
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 1999 4:10 PM
Subject: P.J. Proby in consert/Uppsala-Sweden 24 of april 1999

1994, If my memory does'nt fail me, I was able to experience P.J Proby live
for the first time at his show at "Gr”na Lund", a tivoli in Stockholm.
I was a great fan of PJ and had all his released records.
Some years later PJ came back to Sweden and gave his act at "Gyllene Cirkeln"
in Stockholm.
Also this time I was able to be impressed by the way this man and his voice.
Now, 31 years later, in Uppsala, Sweden I was sitting at the "Catch My Soul"
theatre, witing to see him once again.
He gave us most of his best songs and he song them with a voice that transported
us 31 years back in time. Unbelivable.
He gave us all a night to remember and I hope that there not will pass another
31 years until next time I will be able to see him again.
Even if his voice still are there, I will be 84 years by than and probebly
dont hear to well. (I'm 53 years now)

 All the best to all You PJ fans!

  Gary Henriksson
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Hayes 
Date: Monday, January 25, 1999 12:07 PM
Subject: pjproby

>its good to see people are still digging the great one .
Date: Friday, December 25, 1998 1:18 AM
Subject: P.J. Proby is the greatest

Hi. I don't understand how it's possible for a person as talented as our
beloved singer P.J. to be as forgotten as he is. Anyway, time will show
anyone that we were right:: he is the greatest singer the world has ever
seen.Thank you for supporting his work.

My name is Micke Englund and I'm using a friends computer.
Ever heard of me?

From: Carolyn Foster 
Date: Thursday, December 24, 1998 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: Merry Xmas and a happy New Year

Carolyn and Jim

Rockin' around the Christmas tree!

Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous 1999!

~ Carolyn

Carolyn's Universe

Computer Genie

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****************************************** **** Msg from U.P. Best mail ever !!! **** ****************************************** From: Cherrill A. Orlando Cherrill A.Orlando 399 Alfred Street, Townhouse "H" Biddeford, ME 04005 Telephone: (207)286-1300 September 21, 1998 EMI Records U.K. EMI House 43 Brook Green, London W6 7EF England Re: P.J. Proby's "LEGEND" Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to bring what I feel is a very serious matter to your attention. Market research is not infallible, as I'm sure you are well aware. If a mistake is made in underestimating any products' potential, there is the very real possibility of huge revenues lost due to lack of proper promotion and advertising, and I'm sure you concur. Over the years, I have met hundreds of Proby fans that have become discouraged and had given up, as each person had struggled to find Proby's material in catalogues, magazines, etc. to no avail. Of course, I'm not one of these people. I have been able to get his material through "See for Miles", via my music store here in New England, but the availability of a diverse and comprehensive collection to choose from has been very limited. I found P.J.'s Web Page, and followed the links. I thoroughly researched EMI records link, and surprisingly found nothing with respect to the new release of "LEGEND". If I had not found P.J.'s Web page, I never would have known "LEGEND" even existed! In behalf of Proby fans in Europe as well as the United States, I can only ask that EMI seriously consider a re-release of "LEGEND", with the kind of advertising and promotion it truly deserves. Please consider this as well: EMI could inadvertently be losing many thousands in revenue from "LEGEND". Sincerely, Cherrill A. Orlando ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Peter Schacke Lindsby Date: maandag 21 september 1998 17:44 Subject: Legend Hi Just to let you know. If you try to order "Legend" from CD-Zone in the UK they register it as backorder. I understand that EMI-Gold has gone out of business? But you can still order it (and get it!) from at a price of 108 (it is about $ 15 + $ 3 for shipping). Boxman is a Scandinavian cd-mail order company and "Legend" is still in the catalogue from EMI Sweden. This is just for info - I have ordered my copy 8 days ago and they have shipped it from Sweden today I am looking forward to hear it. Best regards Peter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Cherrill A. Orlando Date: dinsdag 1 september 1998 17:35 Subject: Who Else????!!!!! I can't tell you how excited I was to find a web page and all the terrific information on P.J.! I've been a Proby fanatic since the '60's. I've driven almost every music store here in New England crazy trying to find tapes or CD's. I have been able to get "The Legendary P.J. Proby at his Very Best", the Legendary P.J. Proby at his Very Best Vol 2 Plus", and "P.J. Proby . . . In Town Enigma". Until I found this webpage I was at a loss to find any more of his CD's. I even called information for the United Kingdom, See For Miles Records, and was connected to a very sweet older lady who proceeded not only to tell me that she was not See For Miles, but the entire story of how her son was in the Royal Navy, etc.,etc.,etc.!!! Anyway. . .thanks so much to all the people involved in making this site possible, it's really appreciated. One question: Is there any possibility of P.J. touring the U.S.? Please feel free to e-mail me with any info. I'll keep an eye on this site, and thanks again. Warmest regards, Cherrill ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Arild Date: vrijdag 4 september 1998 13:48 Can you perhaps put in the following message in addition to my previous one: In addition to the EP, I have several vinyl albums that i'd like to swap for CDs if anybody's interested. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: donderdag 23 juli 1998 22:59 Subject: Proby - how to buy Hi I love your homepage, but I still find it difficult to order albums with PJ Proby. Rockhouse doesn't seem to have any at all and musicboulevard only have 4 titles. I live in Denmark and the new album "legend" has not been released here - do you have any idea where I can order it? None of the above has it! Do you know whether it is difficult to order some of the older albums through the adressses you have listed? Best regards Peter Lindsby ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Robert Lawrence Date: dinsdag 30 juni 1998 18:17 Subject: I'm a massive Proby fan Hey it was great to find your website. I've been a fan since '64 and one time or other had a huge Proby collection including an autograph from the 68 Bratislava Song festival and an original promo copy of Go,Girl, Go...Had a bad accident a couple years back and had to sell it off. Oh well, now I'm back to normal and collecting on a sane level again. BTW my fave is You Got Me Crying which took me ages to track down in the 70s. It sounds like it might have been an Elvis demo circa Elvis Is Back. If it wasn't then it was aimed at that sound. I'm looking for any video as I've never seen him perform on tv. would love to get my hands on 60s stuff of at least decent quality on the North American system. I'd also like to find video of the Walker Brothers and Scott solo tv shows. I'm a big Scott fan too. They have similarities but really are quite different...Scott moody and Proby, over-exaggerated, histrionic is the word. Another fave is Proby's version of I Apologise which incorporates every facet of his style in one number-deep ballad to screaming falsetto at the climax. Very sleazy sounding, too. Billy Eckstein was one of the biggest influences on Jim as were Bill Kenny and the Inkspots whose exaggerated mannerisms appear in both Proby's and Elvis'style. Anyway I'm glad I found you. Like to hear from other Proby fans. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Devin Date: vrijdag 22 mei 1998 10:27 Subject: PJ Proby question Last year I read an article in a newspaper from Minneapolis that PJ Proby was performing in the Who's tour of Quadrophenia. Is this true? What did he sing? And finally, was it recorded? If you anything about this let me know. Thanks, Devin Waterman San Diego, CA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: stejac Date: woensdag 20 mei 1998 5:18 Subject: P.J.Proby Hi, I picked up your EM address from the PJ net pages. I am living in Australia and have for as long as I can remember been an ardent fan of PJ. But here in Australia we dont hear anything about him. I would love it if you could pass on to me any info that you have. I heard a rumour that he was making a comeback. But that was ages ago and I havn't seen or heard anything yet. I look forward to receiving you EM. Many Thanks Maggi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31-3-98 Royal mail from: Pauline Bogges Dear Joep + Hans, My friend very kindly exploced the net re: P.J.Proby. I am so grateful for the information I received. I have been a fan since 1964 when I was 14years old, am now 48 and still a fan 34 years later. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a small remark: In your article 'The P.J. Proby Story' you state that '[...] the Dalton Brothers [was] the name for John Maus and Scott Engel [...]", something which is not correct. The Dalton Brothers was Scott and John Stewart. The latter is not to be confused with the well-known singer-songwriter. Also, it might interest you (if you don't know already) that also the Walker Brothers recorded 'I Don't Want To Hear It Any More', but not withstanding the fact that I'm also a great Scott fan, I prefer Proby's melodrama. (I personally wish that Proby had taken similar artistic chances as Scott has done on esp. 'Tilt'. Even if I was fairly impressed by 'Legend', it's not exactly a conceptually or otherwise ground-breaking album. Just my tuppence.) -- Arild Str>msvýg Universitetet i Bergen N-5007 Bergen NORWAY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: james hale Date: zaterdag 31 januari 1998 2:37 Hello. I am a big PJ fan and I find your home pages very interesting, informative and complete. Thank you for maintaining them. Have a great day. James Hale (an American in Japan) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: P. J. Proby Date: Tue, 30 Dec 1997 21:37:31 EST From: CHill37377 To: I am a great fan of PJProby - since the sixties - and listen to his music every day - he certainly is The Man with the Golden Voice. Only received my new computer last week and couldn't believe the amount of info on the web - wow!!! Just to realise that other people are talking and keeping tabs on him - it's just wonderful. Please can you tell me where he is living now - still in UK? I want an autograph or a photo - just something from him - how can I get a message to him to thank him for all the years of pleasure he has given me. I'm just an ordinary suburban housewife who feels so good listening to his great voice and the way he handles the songs - he deserves much more recognition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 12 Dec 1997 12:05:48 +0100 From: "Philip Kirstein" INCREDIBLE!!!!! It's beyond me!!!!!!!!! The people around P.J must be very unqualified, or they are slow on the uptaking. Everyone can see, that with the right people, the right timing,(HE got the songs), P.J can still be one of the best and famous singers. What about a show,(tv),?????? "PROBY WITH FRIENDS)"?????? I'm sure that a show can get a move on his career. So please everybody,music/tv-companys,(and JIM),WAKE UP,get a move on!!!!!! EMI.'s marketing about his latest CD legend was very insufficient and amateurish (why). Even the video from yesterday has gone is impossible to get. Can anybody give me an explanation????? Please write to me!!!!!! Best regards PHILIP AND BETTY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 18:15:13 -0400 From: Warren Cosford Reply-To: radio@MNSi.Net Organization: Production One Limited Subject: Re: Jack Scott References: <> Hi: Came across your page while searching Jack Scott. Which P.J. Proby song did Jack Scott record? WC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "michel perrier" Subject: Note from Montreal Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 15:12:33 -0400 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by id PAA24360 Salut, Let me present myself, My name is Michel Perrier and I live in Quebec(Canada). I'm 31 year old and what I like the most is music. I'm a long time fan of Marc Almond, he past different style since his debut with Soft-Cell, from electro to french compositeur and Rock and Roll to torch song, he alway win my adhesion. I like an artist who is able to change, where there is no stagnancy and Marc reveal that with is most recent collaboration with PJ Proby. I would like a big success as Gene Pitney got with the duet"Somethings gotten hold of my heart" for Marc and Proby but that life!!! America is waiting for a singer like PJ Proby, there is a big revival for the 60 and many singer have huge success as Tony Bennett, Pat Boone, Liza Minelli and many more. Europe turn into techno music and a singer like Almond has many difficulty to immerge of it. It's very sad that an album as LEGEND past incognito in America, maybe PJ Proby should come and try some tv appearance in different local area. I thing he's suppose to come with THE WHO, I hope he will take time to do some interview to promote his recent album. · la prochaine, Michel P. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Wed, 11 Jun 1997 13:57:11 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Thanks for all the hard work Dear Hans and Joep, I would be delighted if you would put my email in your email section of the Proby web page. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply, but I was waiting until I actually got the Elvis the Musical LP before I replied. As I write this, that is what I am listening to! I got the record thru Rock Revelations, P.O. Box 151, Kingston, Surrey, KT2 5ER, England (They advertise in the Record Collector). The album cost 35 UK pounds, which included postage and packing, and considering RC rates the album at 30 UK pounds, I found this reasonable. The LP is in very good condition. I will email you again in the future, Until then, Long Live James Proby (as he is called on the Elvis LP). Bruce Donaldson From: Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 14:04:08 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Thanks for all the hard work For the past 6 months I have enjoyed tremendously reading the updates, emails etc on the main man - P.J. PROBY. Thank you for all the hard work you put into this site. I have been a Proby fanatic since 1964, when I bought his first album - I Am ...P.J. Proby, and with the album Legend, I am still amazed at the man's voice and showmanship. He is such a unique talent, but after having seen some videotape of his shows in the early nineties, it is amazing that he is still alive and singing. Oh how drink almost killed the man. Being a Scotsman who has lived in Germany for the past 19 years, I had a lot of problems getting hold of the new CD, and eventually I had to order it from the UK. Although the local record store has an extensive P.J. Proby section, they were not able to get this CD. The single, Yesterday Is Gone, on the other hand, was received in abundance. I really love the new album, and at the moment my favourite tracks are I'm Coming Back, Child of Clay and Don't. Maybe they will release these tracks as a single. Also, I have just ordered the album Elvis the Musical. So I will write later and let you know how it sounds. Keep up the GREAT work Bruce Donaldson ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: X-Lotus-FromDomain: TRUEVISION Date: Tue, 27 May 1997 15:51:59 -0700 Subject: P J Proby I dont know why you bother with this guy. In my earlier life I played keyboards for the Quotations, the Walker Brothers touring band, and I met P J Proby several times. Apart from an outsize ego he was insanely jealous of Scott Walker's success and was probbaly the most obnoxious individual I have ever met. * Note from U.P ************************************************* * I ask him for his OK to put this letter in this section . * * Never received a reply !!!! * ***************************************************************** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: X-Openmail-Hops: 1 Date: Thu, 24 Apr 97 22:35:53 +0200 Subject: Quadrophenia hi Joep ! Yes I saw the Quadrophenia concert yesterday and I was a bit dissapointed. I mean P.J was on stage only for some short minutes!!! P.J. was not singing a whole song. In two songs P.J. was singin then Roger D. , P.J. , all , P.J. , Pete , all , Roger ,P.J. , all and so on. That was all!!!!! The whole show lasted for about 2 1/2 hour!!! I had plans to take a trip to Stockholm to see the Show tomorrow but not for the short minutes he is on. Hopefully we will see P.J. in his own show where we can all meet later on. have a nice holyday and keep on working with the great site thanks Jan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Wed, 16 Apr 1997 17:22:31 -0400 (EDT) Subject: P.J. Proby Your site is great thanks for all the P.J. Proby info. Alan Hollamby ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: X400-Received: by /PRMD=NEDLLOYD/ADMD=400NET/C=NL; Relayed; 09 Apr 97 19:54:53 +0000 Date: 09 Apr 97 19:54:53 +0000 Delivery-Date: 09 Apr 97 18:59:32 +0000 Message-Type: Multiple Part X400-Originator: X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=NEDLLOYD/ADMD=400NET/C=NL;04750290407991/7716642@RTM] X400-Recipients: X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 Importance: normal Subject: P.J Autoforwarded: FALSE Priority: normal Conversion: Allowed Conversion-With-Loss: Allowed Alternate-Recipient: Allowed Content-Identifier: B110ZWUETXTFD -JOEP, -NEWSPAPER DAILY TELEGRAPH IN U.K WED 9TH APRIL BIG ARTICLE ON -THE MAN!!!!! -REGARDS -DG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 00:57:04 -0700 From: R Paul Stephens Reply-To: Subject: Legend I just got a tape of the PJ Proby album "Legend" and it's stunning. I have to admit to being more of a Marc Almond fan, and Marc's influence is pervasive and he sings on two tracks - Yesterday HAs Gone and Child of Clay being the 2nd duet. His voice is rich and beautiful and controlled as is PJ's. PJ has an amazing range and power - he belts them out and can *really sing*! "Suburban Opera" written by Marc is a "Kitchen Sink Drama" kind of song - very UK-oriented with references to Richard & Judy, Hello MAgazine etc. A bored housewife in suburbia being trnsported by a radio voice/song. Its a neat track. I also like the instrumentation. Not too sparse or cheap sounding, but some nice orchestration I guess by My Life Story. Overall it has a real 60's sound to it. There's a fun track where PJ sings a coutry-style track and at the end theres all this hooting and hollering and you can hear Marc asking him who wrote the song and he drawls "oh EP or someone" It's hard to get but worth it! Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Siv Dalla-Santa" Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 15:09:55 +0100 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Hi! I wonder if you can help me? I looking for cd records with PJ Proby.... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 11:44:31 +0100 From: Betty & Philip Kirstein Organization: Privat ejet Subject: P.J.PROBY X-URL: Dear Sirs As it is impossible to find accessible materiel about P.J.PROBY, I hope that you can help me.Will there be any live-perform in 1997 ? If yes - then when and where ? Will the ELVIS - MUSICAL be performed again ? What will the future bring ? Is there any available video material ? Woulden't it be a good idea fore a musical with his great hits of the 60'is ? I will appreciated fore any help you can give me. Yuors faithfully Philip Kirstein Blegdamsvej 12c,3tv 2200 N copenhagen Denmark phone: 004535369330 E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Sender: (Unverified) Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 20:47:17 +0100 From: (Yan platteau) Subject: P.J.Proby Dear Proby-fans, I'am a colleague of the Ron Tennant, Ron Tennant (the Englishman living in Belgium) is a big fan & collector of P.J.Proby. Contact him if you want to hear the latest Proby news or if you want to sell or swap Proby records, photo's or memorabilia. His address is : Dadizelestraat 119 8980 Beselare West-Vlaanderen Belgium Phone : (057) 466 951 Or, you can send an E-mail to me on this adress : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: (Norm Katuna) Newsgroups: Subject: Re: P.J.Proby / Jett Powers /Moondogs / Gambles Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 13:44:47 GMT References: <56n1si$> On 11/14/53 Billboard magazine reviewed King 1281, The Dominoes------"Christmas In Heaven", and on Sun, 17 Nov 1996 13:00:11 GMT, on a totally different ::: Hello, ::: ::: Is there anyone , who can tell use more about the MOONDOGS or ::: THE GAMBLERS. ::: ::: the Moon Dogs. Jett Powers group consisted of LarryTaylor (later the ::: bass player of Canned Heal), Derry Weaver (rhythm guitar), Elliot ::: Ingberg (later to become a member of Frank Zappa's Mothers of ::: Invention) and Marshal Leeb (who was to become a member of the Teddy ::: Bears and bassist with the Everly Brothers). ::: ::: If you do please mail to: To the group and to Joep by e-mail. Joep: Several months ago in ARO (which has now becorme and I started listing several of my original surf instrumental 45s that I had in my collection. Most of these I didn't know a thing about other than they were good instrumentals. At the time we had a member of ARO named Wade Snyder who is sort of an expert on surf music. He responded to all of my posts with little biographies of each group. I did list my two singles by the Gamblers and here's what he wrote. BTW, I had to get this from Deja News, and I don't know why all the little numbers are there in the thread. Gamblers....³Moon Dawg!² b/w ³LSD-25².......World Pacific 815....1960 ³Teen Machine² b/w ³Tonky².........Last Chance The Gamblers. The members were: Derry Weaver (lead), Elliot Ingbar (rhythm), Howard Hirsch (piano), Larry Taylor (bass) and Rod Schaffer (drums). There were several other artists who have been said to have played with this group. They are: Ted Marsh, Bruce Johnston (later with Beach Boys--played piano), Sandy Nelson (Teen Beat drummer) and Gary Paxton.The ³Moon Dawg!² track was indeed recorded and released in 1960, technically a year before surf music¹s official birth, but of the genre and style of the artform, so is included by most experts as historically belonging to the category. Like the Rumblers¹ ³Church Key², ³Moon Dawg!² was recorded by many other artists, including The Rhythm Rockers, The Challengers, and The Beach Boys. But I like the Gamblers¹ version best. And no, ³LSD-25² was not a stupid drug song _________________________________ Norm Katuna ------------------ Joe Turner TV mama Atlantic 1016 Joe Turner Well all right Atlantic 1040 Joe Turner Piney Brown blues Decca 29711 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 15 Nov 1996 19:38:02 -0800 From: R Paul Stephens Reply-To: Subject: NEW ALBUM Notification from Vaudeville and Burlesque New Single with Marc Almond and PJ Proby out on Dec 2 Yesterday Has Gone a 2 CD set. The album is called Legend and is out in January. Single features the My Life Story Orchestra CD1: Yesterday Has Gone/Pain In Your Heart /Devil in Red Velvet / Yesterday Has Gone (mix) CD2: Yesterday Has Gone/ That Means A Lot / The Christmas Song / White Christmas Marc Almond is performing Dublin Dec 20, and Dec 22 Palladium in London New Marc website goes online Nov 25 at ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted-Date: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 21:41:46 +0200 (MET DST) Date: Fri, 4 Oct 96 23:53:25 PDT From: david Subject: almond proby collaboration I wonder if anyone knows anything about the forthcoming recording of marc almond end p.j proby all information welcome thanks roy avni ------------------------------------ Name: david E-mail: rabbit Date: 05/09/96 Time: 07:17:01 This message was sent by Chameleon ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul Sanoian" Subject: Re: PJ Proby Discography Date: Tue, 17 Sep 1996 13:42:36 -0700 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal Hello Joep, Thanks for responding so soon. I was trying to figure out Access to use on my giant record data base, now using dBase 3+. If that discography is available in a word processing format, that sounds usefull. In the meantime, I've been editing what was posted into something I can read. If you are interested, I'll send it once I'm done. > ps. Please tell us more about yourself and your "system" , OS, Sound, Video, > Modem speed, browser , etc. > and how you found the proby pages ! I'm using a Pentium 100 with 16 megabytes of RAM. I'm using Windows95 (and hating every minute; in a way, I miss DOS). I've got a Creative Labs Sound Blaster AWE 32 which I intend to use for music recording if I ever have more time and can figure out how it works. I use a standard video card with a crummy 14" monitor . I use this thing for writing and keeping track of my ridiculous music accumulation and a few thousand books. I'm also writing music and some other things. I got a college degree in composition althoug my current interests are more in the popular area. I particularly like Can, Brian Wilson, Gram Parsons, Xenakis, Scott Walker, Charlie Rich, Lefty Frizzell, Wire, Moby Grape, Peter Green, Prokofiev and way too many others. I picked up Proby's 12" of Love Will Tear Us Apart back when it came out which is when I started paying more attention to him. I had had the first 4 US Liberty LPs since back around 1973 and had liked some of that stuff too. I play in two bands, one of which gets together a few times a year to improvise pretty skewed "rock music." The "singer," my former dentist, and I have recently been concentrating on some of the singers of the early 60s who had big voices and lots of personality such as Dorsey Burnette and others who sang "struggling songs" as Dr. Bob calls them. Obviously Proby fits right in there. I found the Proby Pages by using Alta Vista to search for Proby, simply enough. There are quite a few discographies that I would like to see so I searched the ones with distinctive enough names. The results were not great I hope that wasn't too boring. Thanks again. Paul Sanoian ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sender: Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 15:32:13 BST From: Jeffrey Wolf CC: Subject: P.J. Proby Dear Joep, Hi!...How are you? I was browsing the internet looking for information about P.J. Proby for my girlfriend, who has been a fan of his since she was a teenager in the '60s, and I came across your pages. I printed them off for her and she was delighted! She says it is really hard to find information about PJ these days and she thought your pages were very interesting. She asked me to email you to see if you know if anyone has ever written a book about PJ. I work for a bookshop and I can't find any in the catalogues we have here, but maybe you know of a book that isn't in the catalogues? Also, any newspaper or magazine articles or videos that might be available in the public library or for sale? My girlfriend (Carol) tells the story how one night she stole PJ's velvet suit! She was walking past the stage door after the show and noticed them loading his clothes into the van. She couldn't resist taking one of his suits as a souvenir but later felt so guilty that next night she returned it. PJ was so pleased that he invited her to his dressing room and gave her a bourbon. Anyway, thanks for your web page - I will keep visiting it to look for the latest news about PJ! Regards, Jeff ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: "Paul Sanoian" Subject: PJ Proby Discography Date: Mon, 16 Sep 1996 21:25:07 -0700 X-MSMail-Priority: Normal I was surprised to find such a large Proby discography here. I realized that a large PJ Proby discography is something I could really use. The format is confusing me a little, though, especially toward the end where I'm a bit confused as to which tracks go with each other and what the formats are. I can usually figure it out from catalog numbers but, for instance, is Liberty LBY1264 an LP? I'm also unclear about exactly what the numbers at the beginnings of lines mean, especially when there are consecutive lines with the same numbers. My question is, is there a standard format you are using that I can look up that will clarify your discography? Anyway, I appreciate your posting this. Even in this form I thing I've gotten some good information. Thanks Paul Sanoian ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Date: Sun, 18 Aug 1996 05:01:10 -0400 Subject: P J Proby He is currently playing Elvis (I think it's a Jack Good production) at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London's West End. He looks and sounds fabulous. I have been watching him perform at all sorts of venues since I was 16 (I'm now 37). He did a run at a seafront hotel in Blackpool not so long ago, but he was a a bit the worse for drink when I saw him and in fact he collapsed during one show and had to be rushed to hospital. If he can stay off the alcohol and control his volatile temperament I think he still plenty of singing years left in him. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 11 Aug 1996 11:47:27 -0400 From: Pam Wells Subject: P.J.Proby I have been searching for Proby info for months, on the net. Nice surprise to finally find it !!!! He has been a favorite of mine for many years. Does anyone have a list of his movie and television credits? I would appreciate any info on this subject. Also, I'd like to take this opportunity to say HI to Jan S. in Sweden from James E. in South Bloomfield, Ohio USA. Many thanks, James Elswick ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Sender: Date: Thu, 08 Aug 1996 22:54:24 -0700 From: (Wow!) Subject: Marc ALmond and PJ PJ has been signed to EMI to do a record cowritten by Marc. This month's MArc Almond official newsletter, Vaudeville and Burlesque shows them shaking hands in EMI's offices! There is talk of a duet. This sort of smacks of Marc's work with Gene Pitney a few years back? It should be interesting! Ciao Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 16:30:10 -0400 From: "P. SYMOENS" <106001.47@CompuServe.COM> Subject: proby Hello Joep, Ik ben slechts een 'halve hollander', namelijk een 'hele belg'. Hartelijk dank voor je mail en vooral voor de Proby page. Ik ben heel toevallig proby -fan geworden in de jaren 64-65 (toen nog met wilde haren). Na een song gehoord te hebben (ik denk 'Hold me') is het vuur in mij geslagen en trachte ik meer platen en vooral LP's te bekomen. Dit was echter gemakkelijker gezegd dan gedaan gezien de 'onbekendheid' van PJ in de streek en de muziekhandels moesten de platen steeds appart worden besteld en duurde de levering maanden. Dit heeft mijn nieuwsgierigheid geprikkeld en gedurende jaren (20 !) heb ik steeds moeten verder doen met 3 LP's. Een 5-tal jaar geleden was ik voor het werk in Londen en vond daar bij Virgin Records zowaar 2 (twee) CD's. Enkele tijd later kreeg ik een CD-ROM in handen met een lijst van honderden CD's die konden besteld worden en daarbij 5 (vijf) van PJ. De bestelling heb ik dan uitgevoerd (zowaar in Nederland !!) en het vuur is weer aangewakkerd. Mijn echtgenote was vorige week in London en heeft mij vandaar de nieuwe CD (EP collection) meegebracht. De show heb ik spijtig genoeg niet kunnen gaan zien. Ik heb een nummer van 'Record Collector' van enkele jaren geleden waar een interview met PJ in is verschenen. Twee maand geleden was ik in verlof en hoorde heel toevallig op BRTN-radio een uitzending (die dagelijks loopt) waarin een luisteraar 2 nummers mag vragen van bepaalde zangers en daarbij zijn keuze mag verduidelijken. Juist die dag (oh voorzienigheid ?) was het een persoon die het nummer 'Maria' van PJ vroeg en een nummer van Elvis ! Ik heb langs de BRTN de naam van de persoon bekomen en ben nu in contact met hem (hij heeft voor het ogenblik al mijn CD's en is deze aan het opnemen). Deze persoon heeft een fantastische encyclopedische kennis van ALLE songs tussen 1960 en 1880. Een van zijn favoriete zangers is PJ. Uw Proby page is heel goed. Hou iedereen op de hoogte van alle nieuwigheden, ik consulteer regelmatig. Indien u weet hebt van nieuwe cd's gelieve mij dan ook te verwittigen. Groeten, Paul Symoens Tichelrye 10 1830 GRIMBERGEN Tel.: 2 253 60 24 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 12 Jun 1996 16:08:13 -0400 From:, Subject: P.J. PROBY Content-length: 286 Hello, What is the title of the last CD of P.J ? Where can i buy it ? I am a great admirer of the singer, have some 8 CD's from the moment. Is there a posibility to do a concert in NL or B (What about a 'great sixties concert' Is there a fanclub somewhere Thanks for info ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 15:09:11 -0400 (EDT) From:, Subject: PJ PROBY Hello (to all PJ Proby fans) I found this page after looking around after i was one of the first times on the the internet. I am new to it I am an 'old' (49) fan of PJ. I have found 7 cd's and also an article about him in a magazine: 'RECORD COLLECTOR' No 180 from august 94. I am also planning to go to the Elvis Show in London Could i get more info about the new EP ?? Thanks Paul ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 11:54:26 +0200 From: (Hans Buyze) Subject: Proby & Co >X-Sender: (Unverified) >Date: Thu, 30 May 1996 17:00:16 +0400 >To: >From: (Tony) >Subject: Proby & Co > >I'm sorry to confess that I don't know who PJ Proby actually is. >But I do know that he is recording material with Marc Almond and Jake >Shillingford who set great store by him. (and to me that's some >recommendation) > >I run the MLS site (that's Jake's band) at: > >so when I know the details of this collaboration I'll post them up on my site >and you can check it out. > > >Sparkles to the heart > >____________________________________________________________________________ >Tony Charles | Voice : 0171 267 9176 >19 Southampton Road | Faximile: 0171 713 1994 >London | Internet: >NW5 4JU | > | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun, 02 Jun 1996 14:15:21 -0500 From: "D.Poole" Subject: Re: p.j's old girlfriends References: <> Many thanks for your reply the search engine I used was alta vista. Incidentally my curiosity in Brenda goes back to 60's London.I knew her then as a "struggling" actress who had a bit part in the movie The Knack and had some involvement with a pop group called Family Dogg. I remember calling her in London to ask her about the Express report and P.J. answering the phone(I guess at this stage he was living with her) The last time I spoke to her (1972)she was thinking of moving to Los Angeles, and have subsequentally lost contact. I often wonder whether she made it in Show Biz,or whether she returned to Rhodesia, perhaps playing the lizard lounge cicuit in downtown Bulawaya,maybe you can Email me if you discover anything. Best regards Doug Poole ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sat, 01 Jun 1996 20:01:50 -0500 From: "D.Poole" Subject: p.j's old girlfriends X-URL: Around 1971 the Daily Express of London reported that P.J.Proby was intending to marry a certain Brenda Pidduc a native of then Rhodesia and were planning to move to Australia. Do you have any information on what occured between them and the present whereabouts of Brenda Pidduc Many thanks Doug Poole. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Thu, 22 Feb 96 14:28:23 0500 From: Margaret McClurkin Subject: P.J. Proby X-URL: Hi Joep: Many thanks for your communication. I am very interested to know what P.J. is doing now, where he lives etc. Is there an American fan club address? Regards, Margaret ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Wed, 21 Feb 1996 01:52:27 +0100 X-Sender: From: (BJORN LUND) Subject: Proby:copy of film & copy letter Hello again Joep ! Thank you very much for your answer to my letter. I am sorry, but for me it seems difficult to make copy of the filmed Proby sequences.The reason is that I have plans to offer a copy of differently arists I have documented since 1968.A good mix will make it easier to sell it for "the right price". I have filmed Dusty Springfield in the sixties, Elton John (totally 30 minutes in the early seventies) David Bowie 1972&1976, Deep Purple, Procol Harum, John Miles,Jethro Tull,Eric Burdon&War, Eric Burdon, Cat Stevens, Camel, Barclay James Harvest,Uriah Heep, Eric Clapton, Manfred Mann's Earth Band,Yes,East Of Eden,Roxy Music,Lou Reed,Rick Wakeman, Bob Marley& The Wailers,Wishbone Ash,Moot The Hoople,Hardin & York,Black Sabbath and P.J.Proby. Just to know that for example no other filmed "Ziggy Stardust" in Croydon, London july 1972 feels good today. It' s just feels hard to realize that soon 24 years has passed !!! Joep,O.K, you are allowed to publish my letter. Tell me a little about yourself if you do not mind. I have an idea that it would be nice to add pictures of P.J.Proby's LP-covers.Permission from the photographers could not be impossible. I have an LP with P.J. Proby which is called just "P.J.Proby".The cover was maded in Sweden (Skandinaviska Grammofon AB/AB Roos Tryckerier,Stockholm) The songs are A: That Means A Lot,Linda Lu,Hold What You've Got,I Apologize, Zing!Went The Strings Of My Heart,Answer Me,Together B: Somewhere,I Don't Want To Hear It Anymore, I Love Therefor I Am,Let The Water Run Down,What's On Your Mind,Stagger Lee,Hold Me The record is from 1965 (Liberty LBY 1280) and was the third LP at the Scandinavian market. Later I could fax you some articles about P.J. from the sixties. I have archived them somewhere & together with other things from "the old good days" I must tell you that during the sixties I was member of the Swedish P.J.Proby Fan Club. I received newsletters from the club many times. Perhaps I could do "some private investigations" and find the old President of that fan-club. Her name is Ann-Charlotte Carlsson.Her adress these years was Evabergsvagen 7,Vendelso,Sweden. Perhaps she had things which could be included to your Proby page ???? -Well,have nice days the rest of the week!! Bjorn Lund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 23:55:19 +0100 X-Sender: From: (BJORN LUND) Subject: "P.J.Proby still alive" Hello Joep ! Nice to find a WWW-page about the legend P.J.Proby.Thank you ! First of all I must tell you that I've read for about two weeks ago that James Marcus Smith,alias P.J.Proby,is for the moment busy making a record together with Marc Almond plus St.Etienne. I was a big fan of P.J.Proby in the sixties until the seventies. I believe I,ve bought all his LP's plus some EP's & singles. I've seen him at stage five times in Stockholm and one time in a small place called Mantorp (180km south of Stockholm) During a concert in Stockholm I filmed some minutes with my old Super-8 camera(not much lighted) I never liked his "trouser-gimmic",but I thought that he was the greatest singer that time. 1970,I went to a Midnight Summer Concert in Mantorp.People believed that this two days concert could be a new Woodstock with visitors from the whole northern & middle Europe.The summer was too hot this midsummer.Just 3000 people came to watch & listen to Juicy Lucy,Elton John,Chuck Berry,Hare Krishna,Mungo Jerry and many other artists.Among these artists arrived Mr. Smith wearing an white Texas-cowboy hat. In the evening he was going to perform.The combination of a very hot day and too many beers resulted that he had to leave the stage after just one or two songs.He sang "today I killed a man" and played the guitar together with three nice young girls ,singing in the background. I filmed him totally some minutes,during the day & during his "performance" the same evening. Next time I hoped to hear him singing, was in London (the 23d of July) 1971. He was going to act in Jack Good's play "Catch My Soul-The Rock Othello". Unlucky, the character Cassio was that evening played by Emil Dean Zoghby instead of P.J.Proby other actors were Lance LeGault,Marsha Hunt and P.P. Arnold. I bought a souvenir from the play, a program with some pictures.Later, (the 27th of September) 1973, I managed to find an Live Original Cast Recording called "Catch My Soul". P.J.Proby sing a song together with P.P.Arnold,it's called Seven Days And Nights(written by Zoghby)plus a song called Black On White with P.P.Arnold & Robert Tench.One song called Drunk is song by just P.J.(what an coincident!!)Refer what you can read inside the cove of the record: " ..On P.J.Proby playing Cassio: Proby can not only sing the pants off anyone else in the world,he even sings the pants off him- self.When I found him he was drunk and broke.A man of remarkable consistency; sucess hasn't changed him much.The greatest Cassio in living memory. After that,I have not heard much about him.My latest record is "I'm Yours from 1973.I know that he have act in a play about Elvis in London in the late seventies. Many time I have wonder what happened with such a talent.I could still be the greatest singer even in the eighties - if he just managed to stop drink and get the best manager & producer. I'm working at the Swedish Television.My dream is to convince some people to let me do a film about the legend. A film for about 10 minutes with some minutes from the past,the bad years and end with the recording of this new record in the studio togethet with Marc Almond. -Well, anyway it's nice to find that Mr.Smith is still going strong. Now I'm going to be nostalic and play something from my 12 LP records of P.J.Proby. I believe that this second attempt to send the letter will succeed!! Have a nice week ! Bjorn Lund ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 14:00:00 +0100 X-Sender: (Unverified) From: (BJORN LUND) Subject: P.J.Proby Did you received my e-mail about P.J.Proby , I've its ent for about 12 hours ago. I'm not sure it was sent without trouble. Have a nice day ! Bjorn Lund (Stockholm,Sweden) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Fri, 16 Feb 96 21:30:54 0500 From: Margaret McClurkin Subject: (no subject) X-URL: I recently had a flashback to P.J. Proby. I grew up in the north east of England and during my teens he was quite a phenomenon. No one I asked here in Michigan seemed to remember him at all. Today, on a whim, I searched for him on the internet not expecting anything and was pleasantly surprised. Thank you for reassuring me that he was not a figment of my imagination. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: From: (World Access) Subject: PJ ProbyHallo Date: Mon, 12 Feb 96 23:35:52 +0000 Hallo, Waar ik zo benieuw naar ben; Wat is er van deze fantastische zanger geworden? Met vriendelijke groet, ton de boer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Thu, 1 Feb 1996 21:39:16 -0500 X-Sender: (Unverified) From: alan hollingsworth Subject: Re: P.J.Proby on C.D, Hello Joep Thanks for your quick reply. Finding the Proby page was a very pleasant surprise, I found it by typing "PROBY" in the SEARCH function and your page appeared. There's no Proby music available in this part of the world (Canada) and I was not aware any had been released on C.D. Do you sell these C.D.'s??? If so how long would it take to ship them and how much would they cost??? If you don't sell them do you know who does and how I can order them??? Thanks Again Alan Msg from -U.P- !!!!!!! NO WE DON'T Sell !!!!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Wed, 31 Jan 96 19:27:30 -0500 From: Alan H Subject: P.J.Proby on C.D, I am interested in obtaining any and all C.D's by P.J.Proby.Any information would be helpful. Many Thanks!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return-Path: Date: Sat, 20 Jan 96 16:05:22 0800 From: Richard Laws Subject: (no subject) X-URL: I just read your P.J. Proby page. I toured with him (playing guitar), and haven't seen him in years. Do you know how to get in touch with him? Thanks for the page! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------